an older woman inhaling with her hand on her chest
an older woman inhaling with her hand on her chest
an older woman inhaling with her hand on her chest

Coronavirus Recovery: Breathing Exercises

Featured Expert:

Updated on May 11, 2021

导致COVID-19的冠状病毒会攻击肺部和呼吸系统, sometimes resulting in significant damage. COVID-19 often leads to pneumonia 甚至急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS),一种严重的肺损伤. 恢复肺功能是可能的,但在感染治疗后需要治疗和锻炼数月.

“恢复工作很简单:专注于呼吸,”她说 Johns Hopkins physical therapist Peiting Lien. 她提供了一系列呼吸练习,以帮助那些患有COVID-19或其他严重疾病的人康复.

Benefits of Breathing Exercises

“深呼吸可以帮助恢复隔膜功能,增加肺活量. 目标是在任何活动中建立深呼吸的能力, not just while at rest,” notes Lien.

深呼吸练习也可以减轻焦虑和压力, 对于出现严重症状或住院的人来说,哪些是常见的. 通过这些呼吸练习,睡眠质量也会得到改善.

Anyone can benefit from deep breathing techniques, 但它们在COVID-19恢复过程中发挥着特别重要的作用. 这些练习可以在自我隔离的时候在家里开始,很容易融入到你的日常生活中.


Do not begin exercises, and contact your doctor, if:

  • You have a fever
  • 休息时呼吸短促或呼吸困难
  • 你有胸痛或心悸(心脏在胸腔里“跳动”)吗?
  • You have new swelling in your legs


  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath more than normal
  • Chest pain
  • Cool, clammy skin
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Any symptoms you consider an emergency


Diaphragmatic Breathing (Belly Breathing)

深呼吸通过使用隔膜恢复肺功能. 用鼻子呼吸可以加强横膈膜,促进神经系统放松和自我恢复.

当从COVID-19等呼吸道疾病中康复时,重要的是不要急于康复. 这个深呼吸练习分为几个阶段,以考虑到个人的能力. Start with Phase 1, 只有当你能在不感到上气不接下气的情况下完成练习时,才增加重复次数或进入下一阶段.

Phase 1: Deep Breathing While On Your Back

  1. 仰卧,弯曲膝盖,让脚底放在床上.
  2. 把你的手放在你的胃上或环绕在你的胃的两侧.
  3. 闭上嘴唇,把舌头放在上颚.
  4. 用鼻子吸气,把空气拉到你的胃里,也就是你的手所在的地方. Try to spread your fingers apart with your breath.
  5. Slowly exhale your breath through the nose.
  6. Repeat deep breaths for one minute.
a woman deep breathing while laying on her back

Phase 2: Deep Breathing While on Your Stomach

  1. 趴着,头靠在双手上,留出呼吸的空间.
  2. 闭上嘴唇,把舌头放在上颚.
  3. 用鼻子吸气,把空气拉到胃里. 当你呼吸时,试着把注意力集中在你的胃向床垫的推进上.
  4. Slowly exhale your breath through your nose.
  5. Repeat deep breaths for one minute.
a woman deep breathing while laying on her stomach

Phase 3: Deep Breathing While Sitting

  1. 笔直地坐在床边或结实的椅子上.
  2. Place your hands around the sides of your stomach.
  3. 闭上嘴唇,把舌头放在上颚.
  4. 用鼻子吸气,把空气拉到你的胃里,也就是你的手所在的地方. Try to spread your fingers apart with your breath.
  5. Slowly exhale your breath through your nose.
  6. Repeat deep breaths for one minute.
a woman deep breathing while sitting in a chair

Phase 4: Deep Breathing While Standing

  1. 站直,双手放在腹部两侧.
  2. 闭上嘴唇,把舌头放在上颚.
  3. 用鼻子吸气,把空气拉到你的胃里,也就是你的手所在的地方. Try to spread your fingers apart with your breath.
  4. Slowly exhale your breath* through your nose.
  5. Repeat deep breaths for one minute.


Exercises to Facilitate Movement

In this video, 约翰霍普金斯康复网络的物理治疗师Peiting Lien演示了正确的膈肌呼吸技术, 然后展示了一些练习来放松运动.

Yawn to a Smile

这个练习结合了运动和深呼吸, 这有助于增强手臂和肩膀的协调性和力量. 它也会打开你胸部的肌肉,给隔膜扩张的空间.

  1. 笔直地坐在床边或结实的椅子上.
  2. Reach arms overhead and create a big stretching yawn.
  3. 放下你的手臂,最后微笑三秒钟.
  4. Repeat for one minute.


在呼气时哼唱有助于增加体内一氧化氮的产生. 一氧化氮有助于神经可塑性(神经系统的建立和修复),并扩张血管, 使更多的氧气输送到全身. Humming is also calming and soothing, 它可以减轻压力,帮助推荐十大正规网赌平台保持恢复状态.

  1. 笔直地坐在床边或结实的椅子上.
  2. Place your hands around the sides of your stomach.
  3. 闭上嘴唇,舌头贴在上颚, 用鼻子吸气,把空气拉到你的胃里,也就是你的手所在的地方. Try to spread your fingers apart with your breath.
  4. 一旦你的肺充满了,闭上嘴唇,一边哼哼一边呼气,发出“嗯哼”的声音. Notice how your hands lower back down.
  5. 同样,用鼻子吸气,然后在哼歌的时候用鼻子呼气.
  6. Repeat for one minute.

COVID-19 Rehabilitation Resources

illustration of clinicians in proper PPE

如果您在COVID-19恢复期间需要额外支持, 约翰霍普金斯大学的康复医生和治疗师可以帮助你恢复你的力量和功能. Our clinics are open and accepting new patients.