

在这个为期一年的医师助理培训项目中, our mission is to provide a comprehensive foundation to support PA resident growth in becoming well- trained critical care providers.   This is done through didactic training, hands on simulation, and a multitude of clinical rotations.  These clinical rotations are completed at both the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center to optimize patient exposure and a variety of clinical experiences.

When on rotations, Physician Assistant Residents will be working within a team to provide comprehensive and consistent care of patients. 你将负责评估, diagnosis, management, 干预措施的选择, required procedures, 并持续评估患者朝着目标的进展. 您将拥有复杂的手术和医疗条件的推荐十大正规网赌平台, 并将管理他们的各个方面的护理, 从液体复苏和抗生素管理到加压剂的使用, interpretation of Pulmonary Artery Catheter readings and other invasive/non-invasive hemodynamic parameters, 以及通风机模式的管理.

PA Residents will follow the same schedule and adhere to the same call requirements as the surgical and/or anesthesia medical residents on the team. All residents will follow the guidelines established by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education that became effective on July 1, 2011.

Physician Assistant Residents will be taught core clinical skill competencies in the Johns Hopkins Simulation Center.

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全年,PA的住院医生在许多临床环境中轮换.   PA住院医师与PA、np、住院医师、研究员和主治医师一起工作.  This relationship facilitates intense mentoring and collaboration required for growth in surgical, medical, 批判性思维能力.

Rotation schedules have been organized to optimize education and growth for critical care providers.  During the year, the PA residents rotate on the following services at both the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.   

  • 医疗加护病房(JHH和JHBMC)
  • 外科/创伤重症监护室(JHH和JHBMC)
  • 神经科学重症监护病房(JHH)
  • 烧伤重症监护室(JHBMC)
  • 心脏加护病房(JHH和JHBMC)
  • 心脏外科加护病房(JHH)
  • Emergency Medicine 
  • Renal Consult Service
  • 传染病谘询服务 
  • 姑息治疗咨询服务
  • Airway Days in the OR 
  • Elective Rotations:
    • Cardiology
    • Oncology ICU
    • Procedure Team
    • Trauma 

Didactic Opportunities:

  • 在开始临床轮转之前进行2周的医院和住院医师培训
  • 每周住院医师讲座集中在重症监护的具体材料 
  • Weekly Grand Rounds 
  • Weekly Intern Lectures 
  • 每周发病率和死亡率会议 
  • 每月APP大会
  • 50个AAPA批准的第一类CME学分


  • 紧急神经生命支持 
  • 美国烧伤生命维持系统   
  • SCCM重症监护超声课程


  • Central Line
  • Arterial Line
  • Intubation 
  • Bronchoscopy
  • Foley Insertion 
  • Mock Codes
  • Standardized Patients


During rotations, 你将由主治医师指导, Fellows, Residents, 医师助理和执业护士. 对于大多数的旋转, you will be paired with a NP/PA/Resident with whom you will provide a totality of care: assess and respond to patient care needs, provide medical, 外科和ICU管理, 对患者和家属进行评估,以满足他们的近期和长期需求.

During some rotations, you will be on call at night and paired with a resident, NP, PA and/or Fellow. PA Resident do not write orders on any service until their skills are validated by the PA Residency Leadership along with the preceptors. 当从一个旋转到另一个旋转时, you will be expected to demonstrate your abilities before more degrees of independence are provided, 尤其是在专科病房.


  • 这是每个居民的工作,使这些经验,他们可以是最好的, 提供他们所能提供的绝对最好的护理, 并且每天从你身边的导师那里学习你所能学到的一切.
  • PA住院医生需要记录他们的值班时间和他们的程序. 这些日志每周都要进行检查,以确保符合每周80小时工作制. 不遵守这些记录政策将导致纪律处分.
  • 保持最新的程序日志,以便住院医师在3点审阅, 6, 9, and 12 months.
  • Evaluation of rotations: These evaluations are done and must be completed after each rotation has occurred. This information will be used to improve future rotations as well as to determine the appropriateness of the rotation for future residents.
  • 维护所有认证. 这包括但不限于马里兰州许可证,CPR/BLS, ACLS, PANCE, CDS和DEA.

On-Call Activities:

在一些轮转中,私人助理住院医师需要参加一些轮班.  The objective of on-call activities is to provide residents with continuity of patient care experiences throughout a 24 hour period. In-house call is defined as those duty hours beyond the normal work day when residents are required to be immediately available in the assigned situation.

  • In-house call must occur no more frequently than every third night, averaged over a four week period.
  • 连续的现场值班,包括内部呼叫,不得超过连续24小时. Residents may remain on duty for up to six additional hours to participate in didactic activities, 转移推荐十大正规网赌平台护理, 开办门诊诊所, and maintain continuity of medical and surgical care as defined in Specialty and Subspecialty Program Requirements.
  • No new patients, 在专业和亚专业要求中定义, 连续工作24小时后是否可以接受.
  • 在家呼叫(寻呼机呼叫)定义为从指定机构外拨打的呼叫. 在家打电话的频率不受每三晚一次的限制. However, at-home call must not be so frequent as to preclude rest and reasonable personal time for each resident. Residents taking at-home call must be provided with one day in seven completely free from all educational and clinical responsibilities, 平均4周.

Completion of Program:



  • 在轮换评估中,得分为6分.5/10 on overall performance on 70% or more of total evaluations at six month and final evaluations. 如果在六个月的评估中没有达到这个基准, shows consistent improvement in scoring over last two months that indicates goal is achievable by ninth month of program.
  • 及时和一致地参加所有排班,教学实验和讲座.
  • 维护/展示约翰霍普金斯大学的核心价值观.


  • Score of 75% or higher on final written examination or 15% improvement from initial testing to a minimum of 65% on the final written examination.
  • 重症监护鉴定终考得分达70%或以上.
  • 积极参与所有模拟实验, with demonstration of average abilities by sixth month of program in preparing for and demonstrating central line placement and intubation.

Case Presentations:

  • Successfully leads the presentation of a total of two case studies in PA lecture series throughout the academic year-at least one case to be completed before the six month evaluation period.

Paid Time Off:

  • 休假日:全年共休假22天. 2 weeks of vacation are given to each PA resident and the remaining days are used for interviews
  • 假期:鉴于PA居民是居民身份, you will not be guaranteed time off for the 13 holidays recognized by the hospital system. Each PA resident will have guaranteed time off over the Christmas Holiday or New Years Holiday 
  • 疾病:如果发生意外疾病,JHU提供病假和安全假


  • Throughout this year, you will have access to gaining > 50 Category I CME. 
  • 在顺利完成实习后, 您也可以在NCCPA网站上列出50个第一类CME.
  • 通过JHU的学费报销计划, 每个PA居民将获得高达5美元的资金,250美元用于支付参加会议的费用.
  • 通过年度专业津贴,最高可达750美元.100美元将用于支付会议旅费.


The Johns Hopkins Critical Care Physician Assistant Residency Program is a 12-month program. The stipend is $67,477, with 22 days of personal time off (PTO) to be used as vacation or sick time. 会议期间将提供餐券. Health and dental insurance, life insurance, short and long-term disability are available. 

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