Medical Student Programs in Emergency Medicine

Faculty Leadership


约翰霍普金斯急诊科致力于培养和维持一种环境,促进医生领导者的发展,他们致力于通过患者护理消除国家的卫生不平等, education, advocacy and research. 我们很高兴为我们的访问选修项目提供奖学金,以促进多样性, Equity, 该项目为每学年最多两名符合条件的学生提供2000美元的津贴. 这些奖学金旨在支付在约翰霍普金斯大学完成EM轮转的费用,并鼓励那些可能不考虑申请轮转的学生加入我们,获得出色的教育经历.

Criteria for applications:

  1. Senior medical student in good standing at an accredited U.S. medical school
  2. 有资格进入约翰霍普金斯大学急诊医学高级见习(令人满意地完成医学核心见习), surgery and emergency medicine)
  3. Demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in medicine as evidenced through leadership activities, community engagement, advocacy, scholarship, or other activities

We are currently accepting applicants for the following blocks:

  • Summer 2: June 17- July 12, 2024
  • Summer 3: July 15- Aug 9, 2024
  • Quarter 1, First Half: Aug 12- Sep 6, 2024
  • Quarter 1, Second Half: Sep 9- Oct 4, 2024
  • Quarter 2, First Half: Oct 14- Nov 8, 2024

For more information, and directions on how to apply, please see our 2024 letter to prospective students: EMED DEI Scholarship: Letter to Prospective Students 2024.

如果奖学金截止日期已经过去,我们仍然很高兴你能来和我们一起轮换. You can apply for a rotation by visiting:

If you have questions about applying for the DEI Scholarship, please contact [email protected].

Core Clerkship in Emergency Medicine

急诊医学核心见习是所有医学院学生的核心要求,在我们的课程中一直被评为最高见习. 见习学生在约翰霍普金斯医院和约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心与急诊科的住院医生和教职员工一起工作. 约翰霍普金斯医院急诊科是一级成人和儿童创伤中心,拥有超过65名患者,000 patients per year, 12 percent of whom are critically ill. 约翰霍普金斯医院急诊科位于东巴尔的摩,为不同人群的患者提供服务. 学生们遇到的病理范围从模糊的疾病到更常见的疾病和伤害. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, a community-based hospital, 是二级成人和儿童创伤中心和区域成人烧伤中心. Each hospital provides a unique clinical experience that complements the other, resulting in a rich and diverse patient care experience. At both locations, 学生在住院医师和教师的监督下评估和管理自己的推荐十大正规网赌平台, 重点是为患者制定鉴别诊断和管理计划.

学生每周参加模拟练习,让他们练习独立评估和危重推荐十大正规网赌平台的复苏. 这种沉浸式课程是急诊医学实习的“皇冠上的宝石”,被学生普遍认为是他们教育中收益最高的部分之一. 学生还通过乘坐国内一些最繁忙的救护车单位参加院前护理体验. Overall, 实习结束后,学生们对紧急医疗护理有了充分的了解,并在面对现实生活中的紧急情况时有了更大的信心和能力.

Subinternship in Emergency Medicine

急诊医学实习是一个很好的机会,让学生提高他们的临床技能,同时了解当今急诊医学专家面临的机遇和挑战. In the clinical area, students assume primary responsibility for patient care, working closely with the faculty and house staff. 通过参与院系教学活动,提高临床经验. 参加此实习的学生将培养诊断和管理紧急情况的技能, perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and care for critically ill and injured patients. Advanced clerkship students evaluate and manage their own patients, document their findings, pend orders, 像急诊医学实习生一样执行程序并与护理团队互动. 高级见习学生在约翰霍普金斯医院和约翰霍普金斯湾景医院轮流实习, participate in the emergency medical services ride-along program, and give a formal didactic presentation to their peers at the end of the course.

高级见习选修课不仅对约翰霍普金斯大学的学生开放,也对其他机构的医学生开放. Prerequisites include satisfactory completion of medicine, surgery and a prior emergency medicine clerkship. Because of the independence expected of advanced clerkship students, 没有急诊医学经验的学生将不被考虑参加本选修课. Enrollment is currently only open to students from medical schools in the U.S. and Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME). Due to medicolegal restrictions, 外国学生可能不像美国学生那样拥有所有相同的文件和订购特权.S. and Canadian students.

To begin the application process, please contact [email protected]. 申请在整个学年以滚动方式接受,竞争非常激烈.

Academic Advising and Career Planning

所有对急诊医学感兴趣的学生都可以获得学术建议. Dr. Bord and Dr. Pousson对学生保持开放政策,并可以讨论居留申请过程, 从事急诊医学或其他学生感兴趣的专业工作. Research experiences are also available for interested students, 并尽一切努力确保有特殊兴趣的学生被介绍给合适的导师. 约翰霍普金斯大学急诊医学系坚定地致力于为医学生提供卓越的教育, 结果显示,学生们一致认为约翰霍普金斯大学的急诊医学轮转是他们经历过的最好的轮转之一.

有关约翰霍普金斯大学急诊医学医学院学生项目的更多信息, please contact:

Regina Brillman
Medical Student Coordinator
Department of Emergency Medicine
[email protected]

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