
Pediatric Care in Florida

Patient Story Highlights

  • 对于患有慢性疼痛和其他疾病的儿童, acupuncture is a safe, natural method of treating pain.
  • Sisters Kaylie and Avery suffer from a condition called amplified muscular skeletal pain syndrome (AMPS).
  • 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院儿科针灸诊所为患有慢性疼痛的儿童提供累积治疗效果. 
凯莉和艾弗里在圣约翰霍普金斯儿童医院接受针灸治疗. Petersburg, Florida.

Mellisa was desperate. 她讨厌看到她的两个年幼的女儿——14岁的凯莉和12岁的艾弗里——一直处于痛苦之中. They both suffer from a condition called amplified muscular skeletal pain syndrome (AMPS) that causes extreme pain all over their body. 

这是一种遗传性疾病,会导致身体对任何东西反应过度. The pain is constant. 它还会导致严重的偏头痛和失眠. 

梅丽莎想尽了一切办法,想让女儿们从痛苦中得到一些安慰. 但是在圣路易斯市约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的疼痛诊所. Petersburg, Florida, changed everything. 在那里,她了解到儿童也可以使用针灸.


“我以前做过针灸,它对我帮助很大. We had looked for an acupuncture clinic 我们住在佛罗里达州的那不勒斯,但找不到任何治疗儿童的药物。. “虽然我们一路走到圣. 皮特,为了让我的女儿们感觉好点,我愿意做任何事.” 

Known as a viable form of treatment for adults, 儿童针灸并不常见,也不容易获得. 这是一种古老的中国医学方法,可以缓解疼痛, 早在公元前2500年,人们就开始使用它来治疗疾病和改善健康状况. 

“针灸通过温和地影响身体所有系统的正常运作而起作用, restoring balance in the body,” says Kym Householder, MSOM, B.S.N., LAc, R.N., coordinator for the Chronic Pain Management Program and a licensed acupuncturist at Johns Hopkins All Children’s

“If we are perfectly balanced, and the scientific word for that is homeostasis, 身体一直想达到的状态是什么, then we won’t have symptoms of disease, or pain, or illness. 

“穴位在几千年前就被发现了, 但我们现在知道它们位于靠近神经的战略位置, 血管和肌肉,当被针灸针激活时, stimulate the brain to heal the body. 全身有近400个穴位,”她说. 

Activating these points, located on meridians (or channels, or pathways), which flow all over the body, 刺激你身体的所有系统以它们应该的方式运作-恢复平衡-使身体回到体内平衡. 

Acupuncture helps many things other than pain, such as depression and anxiety, ADHD, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, asthma and more. 

“The acupuncture treatments are working well, 女孩们的生活质量似乎又恢复了,” Mellisa says. “他们看起来不那么累了,也不会抱怨身体疼痛. 偏头痛不太常见,而且他们都睡得更好.” 

但是,豪斯霍尔德承认,“大多数孩子一开始都很担心,因为他们不喜欢针. So, we don’t always have to use needles. 还有许多其他的方法来刺激穴位.” 

她说:“针灸师的工具箱里有很多工具. “They might use ear seeds, which are a form of auriculotherapy, 哪一种是用耳朵里的穴位来刺激身体其他部位. 他们还使用一个点刺激器,它使用微小的电流,不会感到疼痛. I do cupping, 哪一种替代疗法是用吸盘刺激皮肤和肌肉. The suction promotes increased blood circulation, which may help relieve muscle tension, promote cell repair, and aids in other regeneration. 我接受过中医按摩和一种特殊的小儿按摩,叫做正心按摩. 所有这些按摩技术的重点是刺激穴位."

“My approach is to not only treat the symptoms, but to determine the root cause of the problem,” Householder says. “我问了很多问题,帮助我确定导致问题的模式. 一旦我确定了这种模式,我就会想出我的治疗计划. And it’s different for everyone. It’s very specialized and customized care."

针灸治疗计划通常是每周一次,持续4到6周, then every other week, then once a month. 有些推荐十大正规网赌平台每月来进行保养. All treatment plans vary depending on the patient. 

“作为一个母亲,如果没有必要,我不想让女孩们吃药,”梅丽莎说. “所以任何时候我们都可以用更自然的东西来补充他们的治疗,不会对他们产生负面影响, that’s always good. 我非常感激我的女儿们可以接受针灸治疗. 我很期待看到医学领域的发展.” 

女孩们将她们的疼痛缓解归功于针灸治疗和Householder的护理. “Miss Kym helped the aches on my body go away. 她让我放松,她很容易交谈,”艾弗里说. 

“自从我开始针灸,我就不再头痛了,”凯莉说. “Acupuncture has helped me a lot. It’s something kids should not be scared to try.” 

Kaylie and Averie's Acupuncturist

Kym Householder, MSOM, B.S.N., LAc, R.N.

Kym Householder在约翰霍普金斯所有儿童医院提供针灸评估和治疗.


圣约翰霍普金斯儿童医院的疼痛管理项目. Petersburg, Florida, uses medications, procedures, 以及专门治疗疼痛的疗法.