Allergic Reaction: Ian’s Story

Pediatric Care in Florida
Ian, a patient at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, speaks with his physician in an exam room.
Ian with Panida Sriaroon, M.D., at Johns Hopkins All Children's


“我开始咳嗽得很厉害,呼吸也很沉重,”他回忆说. “I hived out. It was really scary.”

当时16岁的她患有严重的过敏反应,通常被称为过敏反应. But it wasn’t from something he knowingly ate. 那是他刚碰过的东西——他朋友的水瓶.


伊恩回家后服用了抗组胺药,幸运的是,他康复了. But his mom, Katie, says it could have been much worse.

“水瓶口上那一小滴花生酱就引起了这么大的反应,” Katie says. “He was so sensitive that one peanut could have killed him.”

当他还是个小男孩的时候,伊恩第一次被诊断出对鸡蛋和花生食物过敏. He outgrew his egg allergy, but his peanut allergy remained. 从那以后,他就不吃花生了,直到这次偶然的相遇. 凯蒂决定最好在他十几岁的时候给他做新一轮的过敏测试, which was done at a private practice.

护士们不得不冲进去给他注射肾上腺素和抗组胺药,因为他对用花生提取物做的简单皮肤点刺试验有反应,” Katie says.

Ian was referred to the new Johns Hopkins All Children’s Food Allergy Clinic. This was the perfect fit for him, 在那里,他成为第一个接受一种名为Palforzia, 这是fda批准的首个治疗4-17岁儿童花生过敏的药物. 约翰霍普金斯儿童医院是佛罗里达州第一家提供这项服务的医院.

“当你不小心摄入少量花生时,它可以挽救你的生命. This gives families that peace of mind,” says Panida Sriaroon, M.D.约翰霍普金斯儿童医院食物过敏诊所的医学主任. “这并不意味着推荐十大正规网赌平台可以回家随意吃半罐花生酱, 但这种治疗方法可以让他们从不能忍受少量的花生到每天至少耐受一颗花生.”

During the peanut OIT, patients are closely monitored in the clinic for reaction, and they will consume a precise, tiny amount of peanut powder, which is mixed into soft food. They take the same dosage daily at home for two weeks, then the dosage is increased in clinic, and taken daily at home for another two weeks. 这种累积治疗反复进行,直到患者最终能够进食并耐受Palforzia,其量相当于每天一颗花生——大约需要六个月. 然后,患者继续每天服用这种剂量的Palforzia,作为维持治疗.

At this point, some might choose to convert to eating peanut in food forms, such as peanut butter, peanut powder, or even peanut candies such as peanut M&Ms or Reese’s Pieces. 最终目标是给患者提供更高水平的保护,当他们不小心吃了花生时,反应更温和或没有反应. 一些家庭可能希望延长积累治疗,以获得更高水平的保护, where the patient can eat three to eight peanuts a day.

重要的是要在家里长期遵循每日养生法, 这就是为什么在治疗前推荐十大正规网赌平台和家属有一个小时的时间, 与食物过敏诊所的团队进行了深入的磋商,了解预期的结果和成功的典型方案.

“患者必须全心全意地得到家人的支持和支持,因为坚持是关键,” Sriaroon says. “我们给孩子注射了他们过敏的东西,所以他们随时都可能有反应. 我们建议他们在每次服药后两小时内不要进行体育活动, as the treatment could cause the body to react more sensitively. If a patient is ill or has a fever, 在恢复以前的剂量之前,我们可能需要稍微降低几天的剂量.”


“我真的不能强调医生和护士有多了不起. They were so knowledgeable and we were on this ride together."

Katie, Ian's mom

他们非常感兴趣,并亲自参与了过程和协议的每一步,”凯蒂说. “We never left the department with questions. They always had answers.”

伊恩表现很好,刚从高中毕业,现在已经毕业了. 这让他的父母松了一口气,他们为今年秋天送他去佛罗里达州立大学感到自豪, the ninth person in their family to attend the college.

凯蒂说:“对我们来说,经历整个花生油加工过程真的是一份礼物。. “His daily peanut intake is our insurance policy, and we are so thankful and so lucky that we have it.”

Ian now eats one peanut daily. 不过他还是需要随身携带可注射的肾上腺素以防万一, 他感到安全,因为他的身体现在每天可以容忍一颗花生. 如果他再碰到花生,他的反应就不会像在学校碰到水瓶那样了. And that’s great news — because he has some big plans ahead, 其中包括去医学院,有一天成为一名医生.

Ian's Care Team


Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, 提供一系列的测试儿童和青少年过敏和免疫条件. 如果你的孩子有过敏或免疫疾病,你可能会看到的常见症状包括慢性流鼻涕, cough, itchiness or hives; reaction to certain drugs, insects or vaccines; or recurrent infections.