Center for Metabolism & Obesity Research

The Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research, or CMOR, 基础生物医学研究所是一个跨部门和跨学科的中心,旨在支持我们对调节新陈代谢的基本生物机制的理解, and how they are dysregulated in disorders such as obesity, diabetes, stroke, and cancer. While these may seem to be divergent themes, they share common root causes in disordered energy balance, which can affect many biological systems. Thus, 而CMOR研究者从他们各自的学科中解决这些问题, 该中心提供了一个探索共同科学主题的机会,并将代谢的分子和细胞机制与广泛的生理和行为研究相结合. CMOR还致力于促进将这些领域的发现转化为治疗学的应用知识.

Tissue analysis OR Trypanosomes

从阿尔伯特·莱宁格(Albert Lehninger)对线粒体代谢的研究到彼得·佩德森(Peter Pedersen)在生物能量学方面的工作等等, 约翰霍普金斯大学在代谢和系统生物学领域建立了卓越的发现遗产. Addressing topics such as nutrient sensing, bioenergetics, and endocrine regulation, 该中心采用尖端技术和基础科学来促进我们对调节新陈代谢的生物学的理解,以及它如何在肥胖等随之而来的疾病中失调, diabetes, cancer, and stroke.

Director: Michael Wolfgang, Ph.D.


领导和支持代谢和肥胖领域的综合研究,以促进我们对调节代谢的生物学机制及其在随之而来的疾病中如何失调的理解, such as obesity and diabetes.

愿景:了解特定的代谢途径如何影响生物学结果和行为是我们这个时代代谢的目标, and is a common foundation for systems and behavioral biology. CMOR的总体目标是建立一个基础设施,以促进代谢基础科学的前沿研究.


  • 为教师和社区之间的科学互动提供基础设施.
  • 整合使用模式生物和代谢谱的研究.
    • To develop service and technological resources.
    • To enhance the education of trainees.
    • 促进CMOR与支持代谢和肥胖研究的机构之间的互动.
  • 以研究生教育的形式向公众传播知识,并促进将这些知识转化为治疗策略.
    • Programmatic Themes:
      1. 营养调节/感知包括处理碳水化合物处置的代谢途径, glucose, and lipids, 是什么影响了能量如何用于支持大分子合成.
      2. 生物能量学需要分解代谢分子转化为能量(ATP)和还原等价物(NADH)。, 其有效性决定了可能发生的生物合成代谢过程.
      3. 内分泌调节是指为维持体内平衡而发生的体液和神经内分泌反应, often in relationship to nutrient availability. For example, molecules such as insulin, leptin, 下丘脑神经肽响应外周和中枢代谢信号,感知能量平衡并影响行为. At the cellular level, these metabolic systems influence cell survival, cell cycle regulation, 细胞功能所需的各种蛋白质的表达水平, and cellular senescence. At the organismal level, nutrients, endocrine profiles, and bioenergetics affect reproduction, exercise capacity, CNS activity, feeding behavior, and longevity.

这些途径的失调导致了我们面临的一些最具破坏性的疾病, including obesity, diabetes, cancer and stroke. As we discover new regulatory roles for these metabolic pathways, we seek to apply this information towards therapeutic strategies, making the Center a timely undertaking. Most importantly, this theme provides flexibility, 允许中心根据需要进行调整,以应对未来的需求.

Core Services in Animal Physiology

CMOR created a core service center, Coordinated Services for Metabolism Research (CSMR),以进一步促进新陈代谢方面的合作研究. Since 2008, CSMR has provided access to shared instrumentation, 为约翰霍普金斯大学社区及其他社区提供啮齿动物模型体内代谢表型的测试空间和专业知识. Susan Aja, Ph.D., manages the CSMR, supervising and running studies, providing expertise and training, 并向研究人员推荐额外的资源来支持他们的项目.


Research Faculty

Additional Faculty

Susan Aja

Department of Neuroscience

Susan Aja, Ph.D.代谢研究协调服务中心(CSMR)主任

Susan Aja在代谢相关研究和项目管理方面拥有丰富的经验,担任cor服务核心主任, Coordinated Services for Metabolism Research (CSMR). 她在加州大学获得了生理学学士和博士学位, Davis, 在约翰霍普金斯大学医学院进行行为神经科学的博士后培训, and has been school of medicine faculty since 2002. Dr. Aja的研究兴趣是中枢和周围神经系统的神经递质, neuropeptides, amp-activated protein kinase, fatty acid metabolism modulation, tca循环/线粒体健康在代谢健康和疾病的能量平衡调节中的作用. 其他活动包括自2015年起担任约翰霍普金斯所有儿童医院分子决定因素核心的客户联络人. Dr. Aja致力于指导研究人员获得最佳的资源和专业知识, and coordinating projects to successful outcomes.


Contact information:

855 N. Wolfe Street
Rangos 473
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: 443-287-7671
Fax: 410-614-8033
Email: [email protected] 

Michele Shermak

Department of Surgery

Michele Shermak, M.D., is the Chief of Plastic Surgery 约翰霍普金斯湾景医疗中心的教授,同时也是医学中心的成员 Bariatric Surgery. 在临床上,她擅长最新的美容和乳房手术技术. Her research focuses on the basic science of soft tissue healing, bone healing, and tissue engineering, 她还对减肥对脂肪细胞生理和代谢的影响感兴趣.

Email: [email protected]

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